
I am a Christian writer and blogger, and I love to encourage women in their walk of faith. I live in the southwestern United States, home for most of my life, with my wonderful husband and precious daughter. Our happiest times are being with family and friends, hiking and going for walks, watching old movies, and just hanging out.

A bit of background and why I write…

I’ve been a Christian most of my life, but it wasn’t until my young adult years that I discovered what it really meant to walk closely with Christ and see His power at work in my life. The Bible—His Word—came alive to me, helping me to grow in the wholeness He wanted for me.

Life has brought its challenges, but how good it has been to learn that He is always faithful, always working for my certain good...

...I was single longer than I expected, but God wrote my love story and gave me the marriage I had hoped and prayed for.

...I struggled with infertility and the heartbreak of miscarriages and deferred hope, but God gave us the miracle of a beautiful daughter, then the privilege of homeschooling her.

...I’ve walked through many other challenging life issues—illness, the death of loved ones, major moves and change, relationship problems, stress, depression, elder care—but I’ve come to know that I can trust the Lord in everything. The more I "let go and let God," the more peace He gives. That's when I see the answers I need.

God says we are to tell others about the good things He has done for us, so that’s what I do here.  If anything I share helps, encourages, or blesses you, I am grateful.

A prayer for you today...
May the LORD bless you and protect you.
May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the LORD show you His favor and give you His peace.

(Numbers 6:24-26)